205 N Mathews Ave M/C 250
Urbana, IL 61801
email: tinoco@illinois.edu
Interested in joining our group?
We are always looking for highly motivated, talented people to work with us. If you are interested in joining our team, please e-mail Prof. Tinoco including the following:
- What program are you interested in? M.S. or Ph.D, Undergraduate Research, Visiting Scientist, Postdoctoral Position.
- When are you planning to apply? And when would you be able to start?
- What project(s) of our research portfolio interests you the most? Which ones fit best with your background and motivations?
- Do you have any specific plan for funding your research experience?
- Include a copy of your CV, highlighting any experience in laboratory experiments, field work and/or numerical modeling.
Prospective Graduate Students
If you are considering our M.S. or Ph.D. Programs, you must apply through the Graduate School for full consideration. You can find the pertinent information for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the CEE website:
There you will find application instructions, requisites, deadlines, as well as links to request information. I’m glad to talk about research projects and will do my best to help you through the process, but for administrative issues is better to ask them directly. Please don’t forget to indicate in your application that you would be interested in working with Prof. Tinoco in the Water Resources Engineering and Science program.
Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in the CEE-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program, please keep an eye on the strict application deadlines, usually within the first two weeks of each semester (Spring, Summer and Fall).