At the Ecohydraulics and Ecomorphodynamics Laboratory, the EEL, We are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to environmental fluid mechanics problems. We work at the confluence of Ecology, Biology, Life Sciences and Natural Resources (ECO), with Geology and Geography (GEO), in relationship with Hydrology and Hydraulics (HYDRO).
Our group focuses on the hydrodynamics of aquatic ecosystems and ecomorphodynamics. We work with and develop state of the art experimental approaches, coupled with analytical and numerical modeling, to investigate the interactions between aquatic populations, flow, sediment transport and bed morphology. Following an interdisciplinary, holistic approach, we don’t only focus on the effect of biota on the flow, but also the feedbacks from flow alterations in the habitats involved. We investigate the role of biota as ecosystem engineers, and their potential as alternative methods for protection and management of streams, wetlands, estuaries, deltas and coastal areas.