For the most up-to-date list of publications, please consult our Google Scholar profile.
UIUC Students in bold.
- Jin, C., Coco, G., Tinoco, R.O., Ranjan, P., San Juan, J., Dutta, S., Friedrich, H. & Gong, Z. 2021. “Large-Eddy Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flow Structures Over Wave-generated Ripples”, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms. 2021; 46: 1536– 1548.
- You, H. & Tinoco, R.O., 2021, “Analyzing the response of grass carp larvae to acoustic stimuli using particle tracking velocimetry”. Water, 2021, 13(5), 603;
- Tseng, C.Y. and Tinoco, R.O., 2021 A Two‐Layer Turbulence‐based Model to Predict Suspended Sediment Concentration in Flows with Aquatic Vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters, p.e2020GL091255.
- Prada, A. F., George, A. E., Stahlschmidt, B. H., Jackson, P. R., Chapman, D. C., & Tinoco, R. O. 2021. Using turbulence to identify preferential areas for grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) larvae in streams: A laboratory study. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028102.
- Tinoco, R.O., Prada, A.F., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Jackson, P.R., Chapman, D.C., 2020. “Identifying turbulence features hindering swimming capabilities of grass carp larvae (Ctenopharyngodon idella) through submerged vegetation”. Journal of Ecohydraulics..
- Strailey, K.K., Osborn R. T., Tinoco, R.O., Cienciala, P., Rhoads, B.L., & Suski, C.D., 2020, “Simulated instream restoration structures offer swimming and energetic advantages at high flow velocities”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science.
- Tseng, C-Y, & Tinoco, R.O., 2020, “A model to predict surface gas transfer rate in streams based on turbulence production by aquatic vegetation”, Advances in Water Resources.
- Yadav, V., Sherly, M.A., Ranjan, P., Tinoco, R.O., Boldrin, A., Damgaard, A., & Laurent, A., 2020, “Framework for quantifying environmental losses of plastics from landfills”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling.
- Jin, C., Coco, G., Tinoco, R.O., Perron, J.T., Myrow, P.M., Huppert, K.L., Friedrich, H., Goldstein, E.B. and Gong, Z., 2020. Investigating the response of wave-generated ripples to changes in wave forcing. Geomorphology, p.107229,
- Prada, A.F., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Chapman, D.C. and Tinoco, R.O. 2020. “Influence of turbulence and in-stream structures on the transport and survival of grass carp eggs and larvae at various developmental stages”. Aquatic Sciences, 82(1), p.16.
- Tinoco, R.O., San Juan, J., Mullarney, J.C., 2019. “Simplification bias: Lessons from laboratory and field data on vegetation-flow-sediment interactions”. – Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Jin, C., Goldstein, E., Coco, G., Tinoco, R.O., & Gong. Z., 2019. “Laboratory experiments on the role of hysteresis, defect dynamics and initial perturbation on wave-generated ripple development”. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science –
- San Juan, J., Veliz Carrillo, G., Tinoco, R.O., 2019. “Experimental observations of 3D flow alterations by vegetation under oscillatory flows”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics.
- Prada, A.F., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Chapman, D.C. and Tinoco, R.O., 2018. “Survival and drifting patterns of grass carp eggs and larvae in response to interactions with flow and sediment in a laboratory flume”. PloS one, 13(12), p.e0208326.
- Salim, S., Pattiaratchi, C., Tinoco, R. O., & Jayaratne, R., 2018, “Sediment resuspension due to near‐bed turbulent effects: A deep sea case study on the Northwest Continental Slope of Western Australia”. J. Geophys. Res: Oceans, 123.
- Leman A., Holland, M., Tinoco, R.O., 2018, “Identifying the dominant physical processes for mixing in full-scale raceway tanks”, Renewable Energy, 129(A), 616-628.
- Tinoco, R. O., & Coco, G., 2018. “Turbulence as the main driver of resuspension in oscillatory flow through vegetation”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123.
- Salim, S., Pattiaratchi, C., Tinoco, R., Coco, G., Hetzel, Y., Wijeratne, S. and Jayaratne, R., 2017. “The influence of turbulent bursting on sediment resuspension under unidirectional currents”. Earth Surface Dynamics, 5(3), p.399.
- Tinoco, R.O., & Coco, G., 2016. “A laboratory study on sediment resuspension within arrays of rigid cylinders”, Advances in Water Resources, 92, 1-9.
- Muriel, D.F., Tinoco, R.O., Filardo, B.P., & Cowen, E.A., 2016. “Development of a novel, robust, sustainable and low cost self-powered water pump for use in free-flowing liquid streams”, Renewable Energy, 91, 466-476.
- Tinoco, R.O., Goldstein, E. & Coco, G., 2015. “A data-driven approach as a tool to find physically sound predictors: Application to depth-averaged velocities on flows through submerged arrays of rigid cylinders”, Water Resources Research, 51(2), 1247-1263.
- Garcia, J., Gomez, A.G., Tinoco, R.O., Samano, M.L., Garcia, A. & Juanes, J., 2014. “A 3D model to analyze environmental effects of dredging operations. Application to the Port of Marin, Spain”, Advances in Geosciences. 39, 95-99.
- Tinoco, R.O., & Coco, G., 2014. “Observations on the effect of emergent vegetation on sediment resuspension under unidirectional currents and waves.”, Earth Surface Dynamics, 1, 601-636.
- Coco, G., Zhou, Z., van Maanen, B., Olabarrieta, M., Tinoco, R.O., & Townend, I., 2013. “Morphodynamics of tidal networks: Advances and challenges”. Marine Geology, 346, 1-16.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Cowen, E.A., 2013. “The direct and indirect measurement of boundary stress and drag on individual and complex arrays of elements”. Experiments in Fluids, 54(4).
- King, A.T., Tinoco, R.O., & Cowen, E.A., 2012. “A k – ϵ turbulence model based on the scales of vertical shear and stem wakes valid for emergent and submerged vegetated flows”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701: 1-39.
- Jaime, A. & Tinoco, R.O., 2006. “Métodos de valuación de externalidades ambientales provocadas por obras de ingeniería (Valuation of environmental externalities in engineering projects)”, Ingeniería, Investigación y Tecnología, Vol. VII.2, 2006, 105-119, ISSN 1405-7743, in Spanish.
Conference Presentations:
- You, H. & Tinoco, R.O. “The effect of obstacle configuration on the transport of neutrally buoyant particles”, International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Seoul, Korea July 18-22, 2021.
- Tseng, C.Y. & Tinoco, R.O., “Laboratory investigation of suspended sediment concentration in flows with aquatic vegetation”, International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Seoul, Korea July 18-22, 2021.
- Tinoco, R.O., Hebert, L.C., Dace, T., & Cockrell, S. “IMAGINE: Identifying Misconceptions of Access of Underrepresented Groups in Engineering”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- Tseng, C.Y. & Tinoco, R.O., “Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Gas Exchange Process Across Air-Water and Sediment-Water Interface”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- Prasad, V. & Tinoco, R.O., “From Surface to Substrate: Impact of Floating Vegetation Root-Canopies on Turbulence and Hydrodynamics in Streams”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- Ranjan, P. & Tinoco, R.O., “Assessment of Experimental Bias on Laboratory Studies of Vegetated Flows”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- San Juan, J. & Tinoco, R.O., “A New Predictor of Turbulence Metrics for Wave-Dominated Flows through Submerged Aquatic Vegetation”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- Strailey, K., Tinoco, R.O., Cienciala, P., Thoads, B.L. & Suski, C. “Incorporating Fish Physiology in Stream Restoration: The Influences of Turbulence on Fish Energetics and Positional Choice”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- Ranjan, P. & Tinoco, R.O., “Initiation of Motion and Form Drag of Plastic Waste in Landfills”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- You, H. & Tinoco, R.O., “Analyzing the response of grass carp larvae to acoustic stimuli using particle tracking velocimetry.”, AGU Fall Meeting 2020. December 2020.
- Yadav, V., Sherly, M.A., Ranjan, P., Prasad, V., Tinoco & Laurent, A., “Clustering cities based on the categorized risks of plastics losses to the environment from landfills”, International Conference on Resource Sustainability 2020, Dublin, Ireland June 30-July 2nd 2020 (postponed to July 2021)
- Tinoco, R.O., & Tseng, C-Y. “From substrate to surface: the effect of vegetation-generated turbulence on surficial gas transfer.”, River Flow 2020, Delft, Netherlands, July 7-10 2020.
- Ranjan, P., San Juan, J., Fischer, P. & Tinoco R.O., “Investigation of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport within Emergent Vegetation Canopy”, River Flow 2020, Delft, Netherlands, July 7-10 2020.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Prada, A.F., “A laboratory study on preferential paths of fish eggs and larvae through submerged vegetation”, International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, Lyon, France, May 23-29, 2020.
- Prada, A.F., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Jackson, P.R., Chapman D.C., & Tinoco, R.O., “Using turbulence as a mechanism to control the spread of Grass carp in streams at early life-stages.”, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2020 Springfield IL, January 26-29 2020.
- Prada, A.F., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Jackson, P.R., Chapman D.C., & Tinoco, R.O., “Invasive carp and their relation with turbulence: How flow turbulence can influence the mortality of grass carp eggs and the swimming behavior of larvae”, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019.
- Tinoco, R.O., Ranjan, P., & Prada, A.F. “Particle Capture by Aquatic Vegetation Patches: Application to Eggs and Larvae Traveling in Streams”, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019.
- Tseng, C.Y., & Tinoco, R.O., “Quantifying the Effect of Aquatic Vegetation on Interfacial Gas Transfer in Streams”, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019.
- Tseng, C.Y., Duemler, K.H., & Tinoco, R.O, “Laboratory Study of Gravity Currents over Submerged Vegetation Canopies”, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019.
- Tinoco, R.O., Qin, J., Oeij, J., Cienciala, P., Suski, C., Rhoads, B.L., “Fish Response to Coherent Flow Structures: A 3D Characterization of Turbulent Features Affecting Swimming Capabilities of Fish”, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019.
- San Juan, J. & Tinoco, R.O., “Three-dimensional distribution of vegetation-induced turbulence and its effect on suspended sediment concentration profiles in oscillatory flows”, RCEM, Auckland NZ, November 2019.
- Tinoco, R.O., “Wave-dominated or current-dominated? A study on turbulence-driven sediment resuspension on combined flows through aquatic vegetation”, RCEM, Auckland NZ, November 2019.
- Dutta, S., Ranjan, P., Fisher, P. & Tinoco, R.O., “Turbulent Oscillatory Flow Through Random Array of Emergent Vegetation”, RCEM, Auckland NZ, November 2019.
- Tinoco, R.O., Diaz-Gonzalez, D., Blahnik, L., Freitag, B. & Carlstrom, S., “Thermal Mixing at Vegetated Stream Confluences”, 38th IAHR World Congress, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama.
- Ranjan, P., Dutta, S., Fischer, P., Tinoco, R.O., Stratification effects in a sediment-laden vegetated open channel flow, FEF2019, Chicago, March 31-April 4, 2019.
- Strailey, K., Tinoco, R.O., Cienciala, P., Rhoads, B., Suski, C. “Energetics and swim behavior of fish swimming in turbulent flows”. FEF2019, Chicago, March 31-April 4, 2019
- George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Carlson, C.L., Tinoco, R.O., Prada, A.F., & Chapman D.C , Sensory development and navigation in larval grass carp, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2019, Cleveland OH, January 27-30 2019.
- Prada, A.F., Tinoco, R.O., George, A.E.,. Stahlschmidt, B.H. & Chapman D.C, “Location, location, location: Identifying preferential drifting and swimming paths for grass carp eggs and larvae under different flow conditions.”, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 2019, Cleveland OH, January 27-30 2019.
- Tinoco, R.O., Prada, A., George, A., Stahlschmidt, B., & Chapman, D., Grass carp response to flow turbulence: egg mortality and larvae response to altered flows, AGU Fall Meeting 2018.
- San Juan, J. & Tinoco, R.O., Experimental study of the temporal and spatial distribution of turbulence within vegetation under oscillatory flows, AGU Fall Meeting 2018
- Ranjan, P., Dutta, S., Fischer, P. & Tinoco, R.O., High-resolution numerical investigation of hydrodynamics and sediment transport within emergent vegetation, AGU Fall Meeting 2018
- Jin, C., Coco, G., San Juan, J., Tinoco, R.O., & Goldstein, E. Laboratory Experiments on Flow Structure over Transient Ripples Geometry, AGU Fall Meeting 2018.
- Tinoco, R.O., San Juan, J. “Experimental study of flow-vegetation-sediment interactions: submerged vegetation under oscillatory flow”, YCSEC-A 2019, November 9-11, Merida, Mexico.
- Tinoco, R.O., J., San Juan, J, “Simplification Bias: Lessons From Laboratory and Field Data on Vegetation-Flow-Sediment Interactions”, CORE2018, Nanjing, China, October 19-21, 2018.
- Tinoco, R.O., Spadoro, J., & Oeij, J. The effects of rising water levels on sediment resuspension within aquatic vegetation. River Flow, Lyon, France, September 5-8, 2018.
- George, A.E., Prada, A.F., Tinoco, R.O., Stahlschmidt, B.H. & Chapman D.C. ” Hydrodynamic transport of Asian carp eggs and larvae in a flume: implications for sampling”, 42nd Annual Larval Fish Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, June 24-28, 2018.
- Tinoco, R.O., Prada, A., George, A., Stahlschmidt, B., & Chapman, D., “Drifting and swimming response of Asian carp eggs and larvae to different flow conditions in a laboratory flume experiment”, 42nd Annual Larval Fish Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, June 24-28, 2018.
- Tinoco, R.O., Prada, A., George, A., Stahlschmidt, B., & Chapman, D., “Drifting and swimming patterns of Asian carp larvae in altered flows: a laboratory study”. ISEH, Indiana, June 4-7, 2018.
- Prada, A., Tinoco, R.O., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B., & Chapman, D., “Drifting patterns of Asian carp eggs from spawning to hatching: a laboratory study”. ISEH, Indiana, June 4-7, 2018.
- Leman, A. & Tinoco, R.O., “Hydrodynamic Characterization of an Open Racetrack Flume for Algae Cultivation”, ISEH, Indiana, June 4-7, 2018.
- Ranjan, P., Dutta, S., Mittal K., Fischer, P. & Tinoco, R.O. “Investigation of oscillatory flow through emergent aquatic-vegetation patches using high-resolution numerical simulations”, ISEH, Indiana, June 4-7, 2018.
- Tinoco, R.O., San Juan, J. & Prada, A., “The Effect of Stem- and Canopy-Scale Turbulence on Sediment Dynamics within Submerged Vegetation”, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
- J. San Juan and Tinoco, R.O. “Vegetation generated turbulence and 3D coherent structures on oscillatory flows through aquatic vegetation”, RCEM2017, Padova, Italy, September 2017.
- Tinoco, R.O., and Coco, G. “Vegetation impact on bed morphology: Laboratory studies on arrays of rigid cylinders on a sandy bed under combined flows”, RCEM2017, Padova, Italy, September 2017.
- Tinoco, R.O., Goldstein, E.B., & Coco, G. “A Data-Driven Approach to Develop Physically Sound Predictors: Application to Depth-Averaged Velocities and Drag Coefficients on Vegetated Flows”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
- San Juan Blanco, J.E., Veliz, G. & Tinoco, R.O., “Effects of Vegetation Morphology on Mean Velocity and Turbulence Intensity under Oscillatory Flows and Their Implications for Sediment Transport in Benthic Zone”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
- Tinoco, R.O., “Vegetation as erosion control on coastal areas: experimental studies”, Latin American Hydraulics Congress, Lima, Peru, September 26-30, 2016.
- Cowen, E.A., Schweitzer, S.A., Citerone, V.R., King, A.T., Johnson, E.D., & Tinoco, R.O. “Exploiting surface turbulence metrics and secondary flows in straight river reaches and open channels”, River Flow 2016, Iowa City, USA, July 11-14, 2016.
- Tinoco, R.O., & Coco, G. “A laboratory study on sediment resuspension within arrays of rigid cylinders”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 18, 2015.
- Tinoco, R.O., & Coco, G. “On the effect of spectral width on the onset of bedforms under combined flows”. Accepted abstract for the 9th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2015, Iquitos, Peru, September 2015.
- Muriel, D., Tinoco, R.O., & E.A. Cowen. “The Filardo Pump: a self-powered water pump and its applications for renewable energy”, Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, Santiago, Chile, August 2014.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Coco, G. “On the onset of sediment motion and resuspension in the presence of submerged cylinders”. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2014.
- Tinoco, R.O., Cowen, E.A. & Coco, G. “Flow and drag on submerged obstructions: from flow through aquatic vegetation to sediment transport in communities of benthic organisms”. 8th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2013, Santander, Spain, June 2013.
- Coco, G., Olabarrieta, M. van Maanen, B., Zhou, Z., Tinoco, R.O. “Morphodynamics of tidal networks: advances and challenges”, Invited talk, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 7, 2012.
- Cowen, E.A., Tinoco, R.O., Muriel, D., Holst-Warhaft, G., Steenhuis, T.S., Filardo, B.P. & Shan, B. “Development of a low-cost, robust, sustainable water-powered pump”. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Sustainability Panel, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 26, 2012.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Cowen, E.A., “Experimental study of vegetated flow: Three-dimensional flow structures and direct measurement of drag in aquatic canopies”, Coherent Flow Structures in Geophysical Flows at Earth’s Surface, Burnaby, BC, Canada, August 4, 2011.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Cowen, E.A., “Experimental study of flow through macrophyte canopies”, 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 13, 2009.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Cowen, E.A., “Effects of aquatic vegetation density on low speed flows”, 7th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Concepción, Chile, January 13, 2009.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Cowen, E.A., “Mass and momentum transport in low speed flow through flexible aquatic vegetation”, 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Orlando, Florida, March 2008.
- Tinoco, R.O. & Cowen, E.A., “Low speed flows through flexible aquatic vegetation”, 2007 Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference, Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Lake Placid, NY, September 2007.
- Jaime. A., & Tinoco, R.O., “La carrera de Ingenieria Civil en México (The Civil Engineering programs in Mexico)”, 32nd National Engineering Conference, ANFEI, Toluca, Mexico, June 2005.
- Jaime. A., & Tinoco, R.O., “Enfoque educativo de la investigación en Ingeniería Civil (An educational approach to research in Civil Engineering)”, First Congress on Research in Colleges and Schools, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, March 2005.
- Jaime. A., & Tinoco, R.O., “Evolución de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil en México (Evolution of the programs of Civil Engineering in Mexico)”, 31st National Engineering Conference, ANFEI, Tijuana, Mexico, June 2004.